NMFRW Cowgirl Up!

Link: 2023 NMFRW Convention Call
Click on the link above to view/print the Convention Call
Why Support Us?
We support Republican Leadership because it offers New Mexicans greater economic freedom and a less burdensome regulatory environment. Republicans support health care between you and your doctor, not the government. Moreover, Republicans work to limit government interferences in all aspects of our lives.
The New Mexico Federated Republican Woman (NMFRW) is affiliated with the National Federated Republican Women, one of the oldest and largest grassroots political organizations in the country. We are committed to providing voters with important and accurate information on current political issues so that everyone can make informed decisions. We raise money at our events to fund Republican candidate’s campaigns.
Where To Stay
Rooms are now available at the Cities of Gold Hotel & Casino.
Call 505-455-0515 to book your room.
Cities of Gold Hotel & Casino
10 Cities of Gold Rd
Santa Fe, NM 87506
King: $89.00 per room
Doubles: $99.00 per room
Sponsorship Opportunities
Purchase Ads in Our Program Book
Bronze: $100 Business Card Ad
Silver: $250 1/4 Page Ad
Gold: $500 1/2 Page Ad
Platinum: $1000 Full Page Ad
Deadline for sponsorships June 30th
Mail Checks
Please send checks to:
NMFRW 2023 Convention
1001 Oppenheimer Dr. #117
Los Alamos, NM 87544
Please make checks payable to:
NMFRW Convention
Ph. 405-250-4066
Deadline for sponsorships June 30th